[Qgis-user] Linking an external attribute table..

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Thu Apr 9 09:44:06 PDT 2009

I accomplish this by using the Grass plugin and the sqlite driver for
data storage.
1. Create a Grass Mapset
2. Change the driver to sqlite db.connect (I think)
3. Import the Vector layer to Grass
4. Now you can import any other attribute tables you want into your
sqlite database, I use the Firefox SQLite Manager plugin to do this.
Then I run queries to build tables I want to use with my layer or add
columns to the attribute table.
5. Using the Grass plugin you can change what table is linked to the
layer at any time or if you added columns to the attribute table the
data will show up.

Kinda round-about way, but it works.


no-reply wrote:
> Hello.. if you work with economic or sociological data, you'll have often to
> display (and sometimes to analyse) data that have a geographical dimension.
> For example, you may want to render a map of average incomes by state. Or
> average age by county, etcc...
> The normal procedure that my colleagues run in order to achieve this, is to
> dynamically link to a shapefile of the admin borders a dbf or Excel
> spreadshet where the data of their interest reside. Some people still use
> ArcView 3.1!
> The problem is that I am completelly unable to replicate this in qGIS :-(
> Is there in the core? Is any plugin capable to perform such attribute
> linkage ?
> cheers,
>   Antonello

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