[Qgis-user] accessing python plugin directory from plugin manager in QGIS 1 Preview 2

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 06:01:10 PST 2009

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 2:48 AM, Mark McLachlan
<mclachlan.mark at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just started using Qgis ( Windows XP SP3) and can't figure how to
> access the python plugin directory from plugin manager.
> There is a line saying "Plugin Directory: C;/Program Files?QGIS-Dev/plugins"
> under the filter field.
> I tried installing Ver 0.11 but it is the same.
> A screen shot of Ver 0.9 in the userguide pdf shows a field entitled "Plugin
> Directory" and a button (which I presume) would allow one to browse to a
> different directory.
> I hope I'm not missing something really basic here, but I've spent
> considerable time looking for a solution.

Hi Mark

the path displayed in plugin manager is valid only for C++ plugins.
Python plugins are located in other directory. On Windows, they're
stored in (QGIS-PATH)\python\plugins. Additionally, plugins added by
user are installed to ~/.qgis/python/plugins (on windows the home
directory "~" is usually something like c:\documents and

Older versions of QGIS allowed to change directory with C++ plugins
but this functionality was a bit confusing and was removed - usually
changing path for C++ plugins isn't a good idea because of potential
binary incompatibility.


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