[Qgis-user] Save image... with wld file?

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Mon Jan 26 13:04:43 PST 2009


On Thu, 2009-01-22 at 18:42 +0100, Agustin Lobo wrote:
> Hi!
> At using File/Save as Image, could it be possible
> to make a wld file? I know can be done with
> the Georefencer tool, but it would be nicer (and more exact)
> getting the wld file automatically done from the
> region display settings. By now, is there any easier/faster
> way of doing this than with the Georeferencer tool?
> Thanks
> Agus
I'm looking at this and if feasible will add it to the 1.1 feature list.


Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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