[Qgis-user] Brochure draft for QGIS 1.1

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Wed Jul 15 01:33:14 PDT 2009

Hi all,

Thank you for the feedback. I'll try to answer all mails :). If I should  
forget one, please forgive me.
Latest version is:  

Am 14.07.2009, 20:50 Uhr, schrieb Mailing Lists <lists at linfiniti.com>:

> Hi Anita
> Great improvements! A couple more small comments :-)
> - Do we need to show the version number in the title? If we leave it
> out it will require less maintenance to keep the document current.

Ok, removed it.

> - Do you have verdana / vermana or arial font on your system? The sans
> serif font is definately better but now for me the document is looking
> a little horizontally squashed with the one that you are using...

Next version is in Verdana.

> - in the final block with urls, could you bold the 'header' words and
> colons on the left to visually separate the item name from the item
> details?

Hm, for me they show in bold ... anybody having the same problems with  
version 1?

> - I suggest to remove the "- ..." entry from the plugins list and / or
> change it to read  "- and many others"


> - In platform support I guess we should change "windows xp" to
> "windows" since AFAIK it will work on new (and older probably)
> versions of windows too.


> Regards
> Tim

Am 14.07.2009, 21:08 Uhr, schrieb Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>:

> Thank you for your contribution, Anita!
> I also wanted to suggest the use of sans-serif fonts. I would even go as  
> far as only using sans-serif - also for the titles. But of course this  
> is only my personal taste.

I put everything to Verdana now. Only thing I left serif is the main  
title, because it wouldn't fit to the icon at all to have it sans serif.

> I personally like the MS Trebuchet, the Myriad and the Frutiger fonts.  
> Let me know if you need one of those fonts to try them out.

Well, I guess Verdana is ok.

> As far as Windows is concerned: I was successfully using QGIS on Windows  
> 2000, since my employer just recently switched from 2000 to XP. It ran  
> just fine on 2000 to my surprise. So yes, I would make it "Windows"  
> without a particular version.


> Regarding the vector format support I would also add SpatiaLite - it is  
> one of the first GIS supporting this useful alternative. I see there is  
> still room on the line before the ... ;-)

Oh, how could i forget this ... Done.

> Maybe one could consider changing the text "Compile a map for printing  
> using the print composer" into "Compile a map layout using the print  
> composer" to avoid using printing twice and highlight the layout issue.

Good solution. Done.

> Best regards,
> Andreas

Am 14.07.2009, 21:26 Uhr, schrieb stefaan dondeyne  
<stefaan_dondeyne at yahoo.co.uk>:

> Hi Anita,
> great initiative
> - I like to underscribe the suggestion for some sans-serif fonts and not  
> putting the version in the title


> - I would also like to suggest on your very first screen capture to use  
> an image from a "stable" version; seeing "(unstable)" on the very first  
> image may not be the best publicity

Well, the brochure is intended for version 1.1 and 1.1. is named unstable  
... I could cut the title bar off ;)

> Any way - great job - congrates,
> Stefaan

Am 15.07.2009, 08:07 Uhr, schrieb Bernhard Ströbl <StroeblB at jena.de>:

> Dear Anita and all others,
> choosing a font should not be a question of taste but of adequateness  
> for the purpose. Sans-serif fonts are better readable on screen, because  
> the serifes produce some gray "noise" at the ends of the signs. Serifes  
> improve readability when printed out because they make the words appear  
> more as a unit. Have a look in any book from a decent publisher in your  
> shelf! So the choice is a question of you wanting to distribute the  
> brochure as a handout or via web.

Most people won't print it out I guess. So Verdana should be ok.

> just my two cents
> Bernhard Ströbl


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