[Qgis-user] Announcing a CSW plugin for QGIS

Sampson, David David.Sampson at NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca
Fri Jun 12 11:59:01 PDT 2009

Hey Folks,

Well the second plugin of the community plugin repo has been released.
It deals with CSW (catalogue services for the web), an OGC spec for
searching catalogues.

There is a text file the comes shipped with the plugin of a few CSW
servers that may be of interest.

Currently you can do the following
* Use preloaded catalogues
* Add new catalogues
* select a catalogue to search
*define keywords (empty keywords still cause an issue, so a default
keyword 'birds' is hard coded in but does not return results on all
catalogues)(Currently accepts a comma separated list)
* capture the current bounding box of the QGIS map
* define own manual bounding boxes (pre-coded for the world extents)
* Temporal is included in the interface but not all CSW servers support
temporal searching
* Choose between datasets or services (this can be expanded in the
* Define maximum returned results (max is 100 currently but can be
* view a returned result list
* select a single record to view a summary record
* copy resource links for entry into WMS and WFS plugins

Still To Do:

* There is a bunch of error handling that needs to happen
* packaging and releases
* integrating into the python plugin loader
* get OWSLIB into OSGEO4W
* Hopefully we can work towards initiating the MAP IT button so that the
WMS and WFS plugins are clalled using the resource URL automagicaly.
Currently you need to copy and paste the url.

I created this plugin for testing and professional development purposes.
To this end there are options to see constructed XML calls that are sent
to the service and also the full response in XML. These might be
annoying to regular users but meets the needs of developers learning
about this spec.

Currently you require the OWSlib site-package installed. This library
allwos for all the processing of OGC services using python. Less work
for us and other python plugin developers working with OGC specs.

The SVN tree is browseable and downloadable from Source forge.....


Coments and contributers welcome on our mailing list:

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