[SPAM] RE: [Qgis-user] Public Repository for plugins...

Borys Jurgiel borysiasty at aster.pl
Tue Jun 16 06:44:08 PDT 2009

Tuesday 16 of June 2009 15:03:11 Sampson, David napisaƂ(a):
>  Just as I am going through a pseudo code exercise of  release.py I see three 
> 1. Current and previous stable versions				VERSION
> 2. A Beta version is is being tested an on its way to stable.	BETA
> 3. An unstable snapshot of the development trunk			ALPHA
> If we assume that most new feature development is done in the branches and 
merged to trunk, then trunk should not be all the harry and trashy. The branches 
would be way to unstable.
> This way then regular users can try unstable and beta version of the plugins 
wihtout needing to get into SVN carnage.
> For now I will call trunk snapshots BETA
> Just some thoughts.

So do we want to have three levels? The present "experimental" tagging style is 
related to the fact that many authors just release either plugins considerable 
as stable, or just some concepts. But if we are going to develop more 
complicated plugins (and it seems we are), there is a reason to do more precise 
tagging, of course

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