[Qgis-user] DWG file

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Mar 9 05:46:47 PDT 2009

> Hello,
> What open format would you recommend to use in place of the SHAPE format ?

SpatialLite (SQLite) is an upcoming interesting alternative to shapefiles.
I write upcoming, because it just landed on QGIS trunk and needs testing
now. I believe SpalLite is interesting because it supports SQL, but
doesn't need an install, like Postgis/MySQL and is very lightweight.

Also, it seems like SQLite and SpatialLite will be a part of future
webbrowsers (Webkit, Mozilla, maybe Opera).

Of course there is also GML - but it is sometimes more complex to handle
GML when compared with shapefiles.

Andreas Neumann

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