[Qgis-user] Re: [Qgis-developer] Feature requests

Agustin Lobo alobolistas at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 13:00:46 PDT 2009

Barry Rowlingson wrote:
> 2009/3/28 Agustin Lobo <alobolistas at gmail.com>:
>> I've added the following items to my wishlist
>> (http://sites.google.com/site/eospansite/myqgiswishlist)
>> I wait for feed-back before adding them as tickets:
>>  24. When opening a layer, add it to the position below the layer
>>     selected in the legend (not always to the top)
> -1 - when I add a layer I want to be able to see it, and if it's not
> at the top I might not!
>>  25. When creating a group in the legend, add it to the position below
>>     the selected layer (not always to the bottom)
> -1 - but unlike the current behaviour I'd like new groups to start at
> the top (so that things added to them are visible!)
Don't understand your -1, at most should be a 0: these features would 
not prevent you or anybody else
to get the new layer opened at the top (just have the first layer 
selected ),
or the group created at the bottom (just have the last layer selected), 
which is the
current behavior. Instead you would let other users organize their set 
of layers (which often is long)
in a different way. Don't see any reason to impose any particular 

>  Another idea would be to have an 'add layer here' option on the
> context menu of the layer legend. Currently adding a new layer to a
> group is a two-step thing - load the layer, then drag into the group.
> This could be done in one with a 'add layer here' option. Obviously it
> would then have to ask if you want a raster layer, vector layer,
> postgis layer, wms layer etc etc...
 From a user point of view, this would be very similar to what I'm 
suggesting, just
more complicated to develop. My suggestion is simpler: the layer goes to 
you have selected in the list of layers  (that we wrongly call legend)

>>  26. RGB color composite from individual files.
>>  27. RGB color composite from layers within a group in the legend
>  Not sure I understand these two - you want to take three individual
> rasters and create an RGB image raster from them?
Most satellite imagery comes with bands in independent files. Having the 
ability of
displaying them as color composites would be handy. I know this can be 
done through
a vrt file, but you have to go through the step of gdal_merge.py
May be 27 could obviate 26 (27 is very similar to the grass imagery group)

>>  28. Color (or grey) key for vector and single-band raster layers
>  On the Print Composer? Or in the layer legend?
In both. Having a pseudocolor  layer displayed with no key for the 
colors is of very limited utility.
>>  29. Attribute table and tips for single-band raster layers (i.e., for
>>     land-cover raster layers)
>  Are you talking about categorical rasters here? Where 1=water,
> 2=agriculture, 3=urban for example? What file formats support
> alphanumeric labels for categories? Or would the user have to enter
> them in Qgis themselves?
Don't know about formats, probably this should be a qgis feature. But 
a landcover map and seeing the actual alfanumeric categories as tips and 
in the
color key (ref. 28) would be most useful. Seeing "water" displayed as 
tip is much
more useful than seeing "1".


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