[Qgis-user] QGIS and Windows Registry

Werner Macho werner.macho at gmail.com
Tue May 12 04:22:01 PDT 2009

I can only confirm the second part ..

In my Windows install there is a
section ..

If theres a difference between OsGeo4w and native - i dont know - but to 
be honest - I assume there is NO difference. For me that would not make 
any sense.

> Hi,
> I have a quick question about QGIS-Settings on Windows. The QGIS manual
> writes that the settings are in the registry at
> \\HKEY\CURRENT\USER\Software\QuantumGIS\qgis
> My question is if this applies both to the native Windows port and to the
> OSGeo4W port? Are both using the same places to store settings?
> In the manual there seems to be a slight mistake:
> \\HKEY\CURRENT\USER\Software\QuantumGIS\qgis
> should actually be
> \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\QuantumGIS\qgis
> Note the underscores instead of the backslashes.
> On one of my Windows machines (with reduced user rights) storing the
> settings doesn't work. I wonder if our sysadmins disabled write-access to
> the Registry, since I can't find
> \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\QuantumGIS\qgis after starting and closing
> Thanks for a quick feedback on the topic,
> Andreas

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