[Qgis-user] Attribute table editor

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Tue May 12 12:38:12 PDT 2009

Hi Marcin,

A couple of QGIS Users in Switzerland are contracting with Marco 
Hugentobler to implement a field-calculator feature for the attribute 
table (among other functions). This is just to tell you that someone is 
working on it. It is not the top priority on the feature list to be 
implemented, but it will be available in SVN approx. in autumn, or 
winter at latest, depending on the progress.

It should be able to handle basic or more sophisticated calculations and 
some string operations. It should also be extensible to add more 
functions later. Marco can probably tell you more on it later when he 
gets to work on it.


Marcin Gala wrote:
> It's idea for plugin or maybe built-in feature. I'm thinking about SQL 
> attribute editor, for tasks like search & replace value in table, or 
> fill data field for all objects with the same value.

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