[Qgis-user] Re: Announcing the releases of QGIS 1.0.2 (stable release) and QGIS 1.1.0 'Pan' (unstable release).

Tim Sutton lists at linfiniti.com
Wed May 13 13:35:22 PDT 2009


I forgot to mention - visual changelog for the release is here:




Tim Sutton wrote:
> We are very pleased to simultaneously announce the releases of QGIS 
> 1.0.2 (stable release) and QGIS 1.1.0 'Pan' (unstable release).
> Our 1.0.x 'stable' release series are part of our effort to provide a 
> stable, unchanging, long term supported environment. Each minor release 
> in our stable series contains only bug fixes and no new features. For a 
> list of bugs that were closed in the 1.0.2 release, please see the 1.0.2 
> release milestone.
> Our 'unstable' release series are provided to offer users a chance to 
> try out new features as they make their way into the code base. We will 
> not support these releases over a long term and they are aimed more for 
> those who value new features over stability.
> Binary and source code packages are available at 
> http://www.qgis.org/en/download/binaries.html.
> Along with the release of QGIS 1.1.0, the QGIS Community Team is also 
> extremely pleased to announce the immediate availability of the QGIS 
> Users' Guide version 1.1. The guide can be downloaded from 
> http://www.qgis.org/en/documentation/manuals.html.
> QGIS is a completely volunteer driven project, and is the work of a 
> dedicated team of developers, documenters and supporters. We extend our 
> thanks and gratitude for the  many, many hours people have contributed 
> to make this release happen.
> If you would like to make a donation or sponsor our project, please 
> visit http://www.qgis.org/en/sponsorship.html . QGIS is Free software 
> and you are under no obligation to do so.
> Happy QGIS'ing!


Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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