[Qgis-user] basic raster processing

John Callahan john.callahan at UDel.Edu
Thu May 21 06:25:24 PDT 2009

Thanks Carson.  I'll give it a try.

Is rasterlang the next generation of Barry's Raster Algebra plugin?  
(http://www.maths.lancs.ac.uk/~rowlings/Software/RasterAlgebra/)   Or do 
they work together?  Using the Plugin Installer in QGIS 1.0.2 , I see 
rasterlang listed from Barry's repository 
(http://www.maths.lancs.ac.uk/~rowlings/Qgis/Plugins/plugins.xml) but 
not Raster Algebra. 

- John

Carson Farmer wrote:
> John,
>> I'm relatively new to QGIS.  I've used it for viewing various sources 
>> of data and some vector editing and geoprocessing.  Now, I'd like to 
>> do some basic raster processing, like simply multiplying and adding 
>> rasters, conditional expressions (e.g., if value < 0, then = 0, else 
>> value), slope, aspect, etc....
>> What is the method to do these via QGIS?   GRASS may be an option but 
>> I understand it takes some preprocessing to get your files into GRASS 
>> datasets, which could be a lot of work (numerous data sets, some 
>> several GBs in size.)    Thanks.
> Have a look at Barry Rowlingson's rasterlang plugin:
> http://www.maths.lancs.ac.uk/~rowlings/Qgis/Plugins/plugins.xml
> Barry also has a google code page which would likely have his latest 
> version/improvements:
> http://code.google.com/p/bsrplugins/source/browse/#svn/trunk
> Carson

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