[Qgis-user] help manageR to find the path.......

Darren Norris doon75 at hotmail.com
Sun May 24 12:37:54 PDT 2009

Many thanks Carson,
I added the line to in __init__.py and manageRDialog.py (below), if I 
added to just the manageRDialog.py I got the same can't find R error.
I have now just added to __init__.py  and get the python error (see 
below for full): "ImportError: No module named win32api" ...

Any suggestions?

One of the reasons I work with the Renviron.site file is that I switch 
between R on a USB and R on laptops / desktops. This flexibility is very 
useful for me and also means I don't require administrator access on 
computers where I don't have such permission.
Would it be possible to have a file selector dialogue so a user can 
simply "click" the path when manageR / Rpy can't find R? Or maybe a 
dialogue that says this is the location of R that manageR will use, OK? 
If not select the location.....

All the best, and many thanks for the great plugins.........

****File Specifications******

import ConfigParser
import os.path
os.environ['R_HOME'] = "C:\Users\Darren\R\R-2.9.0\bin"
p = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
here = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"config.ini")


import ConfigParser
import os.path
os.environ['R_HOME'] = "C:\Users\Darren\R\R-2.9.0\bin"
parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
here = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ),"config.ini" )
parser.read( here )

*******************            Python error         
An error has occured while executing Python code:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Darren/.qgis//python/plugins\manageR\manageR.py", line 
49, in run
    import manageRDialog
  File "C:/Users/Darren/.qgis//python/plugins\manageR\manageRDialog.py", 
line 26, in
    from QLayerConverter import QVectorLayerConverter, QRasterLayerConverter
"C:/Users/Darren/.qgis//python/plugins\manageR\QLayerConverter.py", line 
24, in
    import rpy2.robjects as robjects
  File "C:/Program Files/Quantum 
GIS/./python\rpy2\robjects\__init__.py", line 12, in
    import rpy2.rinterface as rinterface
  File "C:/Program Files/Quantum 
GIS/./python\rpy2\rinterface\__init__.py", line 39, in
    import win32api
ImportError: No module named win32api

Python version:
2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]

Python path:['C:/Program Files/Quantum GIS/./python', 
'C:/Users/Darren/.qgis//python/plugins', 'C:/Program Files/Quantum 
GIS/./python/plugins', 'C:\\Program Files\\Quantum 
GIS\\bin\\python25.zip', '.\\DLLs', '.\\lib', '.\\lib\\plat-win', 
'.\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\Program Files\\Quantum GIS\\bin', 'C:\\Program 
Files\\Quantum GIS\\python\\plugins\\fTools\\tools']
Carson Farmer wrote:
> Hi Darren,
>> Just installed manageR (0.6.10) on Windows Vista.
>> Qgis 1.0.2-Kore installed via standalone installer, R version is 2.9.
>> ManageR installed via the python plugin installer, following Carson's 
>> guide at: http://www.ftools.ca/install.html
>> Got a python error (below) and it looks like manageR can't find R.
>> This is not too surprising as I set HOME, R_USER etc via a 
>> Renviron.site file.
>> So R is not in the registry and no environment variables are set.
>> How do I show manageR where the R.exe file is??
> In this case you'll have to set an environment variable I think.
> The error that you posted comes up when the following fails:
> try:
>     R_HOME = os.environ["R_HOME"]
> except KeyError:
>     R_HOME = os.popen("R RHOME").readlines()
> if len(R_HOME) == 0:
>     if sys.platform == 'win32':
>         try:
>             import win32api
>             import win32con
>             hkey = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
>                                          "Software\\R-core\\R",
>                                          0, win32con.KEY_QUERY_VALUE )
>             R_HOME = win32api.RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "InstallPath")[0]
>             win32api.RegCloseKey( hkey )
>         except:
>             raise RuntimeError(
>                 "Unable to determine R version from the registery." +\
>                 "Calling the command 'R RHOME' does not return 
> anything.\n" +\
>                     "This might be because R.exe is nowhere in your 
> Path.")
> So obviously if R isn't in the registry, and there is no R_HOME 
> environment variable, Rpy (which is what manageR uses to talk to R) 
> won't be able to find R. Essentially, you just need to specify the 
> R_HOME environment variable as your R install path.
> The other option is to add something like:
> import os
> os.environ['R_HOME'] = "R/install/path"
> to line 20 of either __init__.py or manageRDialog.py in the manageR 
> plugin directory.
> Hope that helps,
> Carson

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