[Qgis-user] Custom CRS/SRS (Malaysia)

Bruce Foster gis.foster at gmail.com
Thu May 28 09:28:57 PDT 2009

Apologies if this has been asked before and cross posting. Well, in dire

I'm working on a project in Malaysia and the ran into major road block
because of the local projection. All existing datasets are in
older Cassini projection. They have 9 state level Cassini projection for
cadastal work and they have different origin. It uses Everest 1830 Modified
for spheroid.

They are moving to their new projection called GDM2000 and they have EPSG
entries. But the older cassini dont have EPSG entries. this puts me in real

ArcGIS has the projection parameters for cassini and I dont find any details
in spatialreferece or EPSG.org.

My work involves GeoServer and PostGIS. Can you plesae guide and help me
with this? How do I put a custom projection and how do I work on a
projection that dont have EPSG? Since we work lot on EPSG with GeoServer and
PostGIS, how can we support the non standard one.

This is the CRS parameters;


any guru out there help me?

another question, can this be reprojected to WGS84 using on the fly
reprojection in GeoServer and PostGIS?

Thanks a lot

Bruce Foster
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