[Qgis-user] mapserverexportplugin: use current loaded project only

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sat Nov 7 15:36:36 PST 2009

Hi List,
we are busy with the python mapserverexport plugin...

current version asks you to point to a qgs-project-file which will then be
used to make the map file.
Often this project-file is actually the project currently loaded in qgis.
Which made people add functionality to check if the current project is
actually changed after loading...

BUT: isn't it more intuitive to NOT let the user point to a qgs-project
file, but always use the current project for exporting? In this way we can
force people to save current project if not saved yet (because the mapfile
is actually build by using data from a (saved) project file).
Another option would be that the user would not be forced to save the
file, and silently save the file to some temporary place just to build the

I prefer the first option.

Do people see any objections in removing the 'browse to
qgs-file'-functionality in the plugin?

Please comment.


Richard Duivenvoorde

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