[Qgis-user] Re: QGIS python Console as Map Calculator

Agustin Lobo alobolistas at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 08:46:34 PST 2009

Please note I'm not talking about rasterlang, a plugin
that is not being maintained or any further developed, according to his
author. I'm talking about a replacement for it, just
based on an small enhancement of the current python console.

The rasterlang plugin uses such an odd syntax that is very unfriendly to be used.


Carson Farmer wrote:
> Hi Agus,
> I'll have a look at this...
>> Hope this is useful, I'd appreciate if you
>> could point any error.
>> http://sites.google.com/site/eospansite/qgispythoncons1
>> 1. Put buttons to run some basic import commands such as
>> (or actually have a version
>> of the python console that starts up having done these (and perhaps other)
>> imports):
> Well as of now, rasterlang isn't part of the qgis build... so it's up
> to the user to download the plugin and import it if then need/want it,
> and numpy isn't currently a required library, so we can't have this
> functionality by default...
>> from rasterlang.layers import layerAsArray
>> from numpy import *
>> from rasterlang.layers import writeGeoTiff
> We are/would like to work on a proper python console, more like what
> you'd expect when typing python commands (i.e. regular python console)
> Carson

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