[Qgis-user] Re: QgsAzimuth 0.5 (Maur?cio de Paulo)

Fred LaPlante flaplante at flos-inc.com
Tue Nov 10 08:43:44 PST 2009

The idea behind getting Azimuth & Distance from existing points is to 
verify that a property is correctly mapped by comparing map data to a 
land survey report. When an error is found, then I would enter the 
correct value and have the polygon replotted. Other ways to do this to 
be sure, but this approach seems in my mind to be simpler.

I have modified the dmsToDd function to accept Az in form of '- m N 
12,23 E' where
'-' allows use of bearing as entered in survey drawing which may be in 
reverse direction
'm' says entries are in magnetic (compass) values. most of local surveys 
are this way. Unfortunately the magnetic correction should probably be a 
Project Level option.
',' is what I chose to separate deg,min,sec. Could be most anything I 

I tested this outside of qGIS and it gives the correct azimuth. I cannot 
test in qGIS as the plugin always freezes when I click 'draw' no matter 
what I enter. Could you provide me a sample set of inputs that works so 
I can see what I am doing wrong? for me the following inputs will cause 
a freeze.
600 ft @ 377.78deg
1900 ft @ 97 deg
1045 ft @ 179 deg
630 ft @ 278 deg
1213 ft @ 300 deg

Fred LaPlante
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