[Qgis-user] What is the matter with QGis versus MS Windows?

G. Allegri giohappy at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 01:11:44 PST 2009

> So, in short, my position would be the opposite. I would devote more
> effort on developing mainly for linux even at the price of having a
> lower profile (meaning less features not more bugs) version for Win.
> The fact that 90% of PC users work under win would be an essential
> concern for a commercial software, but this is not the case...

I'm not of your opinion because, as many of you said, most of the
times the choice of a specific os depends on various external factors.
And in any case many people want, or have, to work on both open source
and proprietary applications. In my case I have side by side SAGA,
QGis, ArcGIS Desktop, ERDAS Image, SAS, R, and so on. So, I know that
the open source "revolution" was started on *NIX, and is mostly
devoted to these systems, but I would try to not be biased: many
Windows users like XP because it's easier, in their daily work, then
most Linux platforms, or because they don't care to use a different OS
and pay for it. Anyway, as gis practiotioners, they are aware that
they can avoid proprietary gis sw and then choose OS alternatives, or
they can take advantage from both...
In my experience these kind of users are the most part.
So, why should we prefer to invest more on Linux features then
Windows? Ok, if all the developers prefer to do that nothing to say,
they aren't payed to mantain cross-platform :) But in general, I would
avoid that position, to avoid going back in the history when *UNIX
users were strange people coming from the mountain woods, speaking a
strange language, while the rest of the world was clicking here and
there with their ARC* ;-)


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