[Qgis-user] Selecting features in attribute table using query builder

Germán Carrillo carrillo.german at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 12:32:16 PDT 2009

Hi Zane, you can use the Table Manager python plugin to rename columns.


2009/10/1 Zane Selvans <zane at amateurearthling.org>

> >> I'm trying to select a subset of the features in a layer based on some
> >> values in their attribute table, and I keep getting the following
> >> error:
> >>
> >> syntax error, unexpected COLUMN_REF
> >>
> >> The where clause I'm using is:
> >>
> >> 2_LIN_ID < 1_LIN_ID
> >>
> > Just a shot in the dark: Can column names begin with a digit? You might
> need
> > to change to LIN_ID_1 and LIN_ID_2
> I had this thought too, but I didn't name the columns.  They were
> automatically generated when I used the "line intersections" tool to
> create the points shapefile from my digitized linear features.
> I *can* do a select based on another column though (with a non-numeric
> first character), so maybe this is the problem, and a bug in the Line
> Intersections tool?
> I don't seem to be able to re-name the columns in the attribute table
> unfortunately (I can see them and their types listed in the
> "properties" dialog, but can't change them, even when the layer is
> being edited).  I tried adding an "alias" for each of them (LIN_ID_1
> and LIN_ID_2) but they don't seem to stick: when I open up the
> attribute table again, the aliases don't show up, and when I open up
> the attributes under properties again, the aliases aren't there any
> more (despite having saved the layer immediately after adding them).
> So... does anyone have a workaround here?  Can I somehow re-name these
> columns, or create new columns a copy their content in?  Or force the
> "Line Intersections" tool to use particular names for its output
> columns?
> Thanks,
> Zane
> --
> Zane A. Selvans
> Amateur Earthling
> http://zaneselvans.org
> +1 303 815 6866
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