[Qgis-user] QGIS crashes when saving an edited table and retaining old symbology, other attribute table issues

Zane Selvans zane at amateurearthling.org
Mon Oct 5 10:24:10 PDT 2009

I'm using QGIS 1.3.0 on OS X 10.6.1 (I got the build and dependencies
from KyngChaos), and I've had a recurring issue in which when I edit
the attribute table for a layer which is stored in PostGIS with the
Table Manager plugin, and then "save as" a shapefile, and then tell
the plugin yes, I'd like to add the new layer to the TOC, and please
retain the old symbology, QGIS crashes.  It seems to happen every
time.  If I don't try and retain the old symbology, it doesn't crash.
I have not been editing any columns in the table used to determine how
the features display.

I've also noticed that often (but not always) when I view the
attribute table for a layer, it only displays the first few, or few
dozen entries, instead of the entire list of records.  I know the
records are there, because if I re-sort the table I can see things
that weren't displayed before.  Seems odd.

Another issue: if I'm editing a vector layer, which has only a single
field in its attribute table (you can't create one that has no
fields), and I create a new feature, and don't enter a value for that
one field, then the feature is not saved.  I ran into this recently
when digitizing features for which I really just wanted a unique ID
(like the gid, which is automatically generated) and the geometry.  I
turned off the attribute table prompt in the main QGIS preferences,
and merrily went along my way digitizing, only to realize later that
none of those features actually got saved. :(

Has anybody else seen these issues?  What's the appropriate place to
post this kind of thing?  I searched in Trac and didn't see these
particular problems.


Zane A. Selvans
Amateur Earthling
+1 303 815 6866

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