[Qgis-user] Transformation beetween projections

Piotr Pachół piotr.pachol at wodgik.katowice.pl
Mon Oct 12 06:34:36 PDT 2009


I have problem with transformation between the Polish coordinate systems that are in different map projections.  I mean the transformation beetween EPSG 2180 and EPSG 3120, 2172, 2173, 2174, 2175.  

I use the transformation which is available in QuantumGIS: Tools-> Data Management Tools-> Export to new projection. After the transformation data are situated in wrong place. Shift values are different for example: 

-         when project is in EPSG 2180 and we add data formely transformed from EPSG 2175 to EPSG 2180 data shifts are approximately 130 meters.

-         On the other hand when project is in EPSG 2175 and we add data formely transformed from EPSG 2180 to EPSG 2175 data shifts are approximately 0,5 meter.

I don't know if it is a problem of data displaying in Quantum GIS or problem of projection library. 

Anybody can help me what to do ?


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