[Qgis-user] QGIS svn packaged for Debian Stable and Debian Testing (Lenny and Squeeze)

Niccolo Rigacci niccolo at rigacci.org
Thu Apr 8 02:58:09 PDT 2010

For whom interested in the latest QGIS build, I packaged an SVN 
snapshot for Debian Lenny and Debian Squeeze, i386 and amd64 

This is particuraly interesting for Lenny, where several packages 
were backported:

  * proj          4.7.0
  * geos          3.2.0
  * gdal          1.6.3
  * grass         6.4.0~rc6
  * libgdal-grass 1.6.3
  * qgis          1.5.0~svn20100406
  * mapserver     5.6.3

For Squeeze, only QGIS was packaged, because all the other 
packages are already in there, thanks to the Debian Mantainers!

The repository is apt-gettable here: http://debian.gfoss.it/

Please note that the repository was completely rebuild, so if you 
notice some problem report it to me. Thanks

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

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