[Qgis-user] ESRIs ArcGIS lyr-files

Milena Nowotarska do.milenki at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 04:21:30 PDT 2010


2010/4/15 Carson Farmer <carson.farmer at gmail.com>:
>> Is there any tool to convert ESRIs lyr-files readable in QGIS? Or do
>> ArcGIS have any other format-system that you can use in QGIS? For
>> instance shp-files can get very stranges coulors or symbols if you
>> open them in QGIS.
> That's simply because shapefiles don't store symbology themselves. If
> you want your layers to look like they do in ArcGIS, you have to
> adjust the symbology of your layers (you can also create a style for
> for your layers so that they always look the same when you load them).
> This stuff is all available in the QGIS manual here:
> http://qgis.org/en/documentation/manuals.html
> Carson

I hope that I live these days, when every GIS can generate and read
SLD so we could move not only the data but also the *cartography* :)

Milena Nowotarska

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