[Qgis-user] Mobile GIS

Philipp Auersperg-Castell phil at bluedynamics.com
Wed Apr 21 08:41:44 PDT 2010

Hi Miguel, Noli!

Miguel, thanks for your hint, I just skimmed your class diagram, looks  
quite promising.
since my stuff is yet experimental, gvSig seems worth a look for  
sharing components.

- Do you have a public SVN repo for getting the source?

- Does gvsig support selecting and identifying features and querying  
data such as attributes, area, ....?

more questions will follow ;)

Thanks in advance

Am 21.04.2010 um 12:00 schrieb Miguel Montesinos:

> Hi Phillip and Noli,
> We have developed the application Phillip points out. It doen't  
> support
> those features so far, but if you like to use it as a base, we are  
> ready
> to collaborate in order to support the creation of geometries (point,
> polyline, polygon) from the GPS (or hand-based), or some other vector
> capabilitites.
> I've recently acquired my third Android phone, and I'm sure that  
> Android
> projection is going to be really impressive (it's right now, as a  
> matter
> of fact).
> It will be great to extend the community of users and developers of  
> this
> application.
> Regards,
> Miguel Montesinos
>> -----Mensaje original-----
>> De: qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org]
>> En nombre de Noli Sicad
>> Enviado el: martes, 20 de abril de 2010 23:33
>> Para: Philipp Auersperg-Castell
>> CC: qgis-user
>> Asunto: Re: [Qgis-user] Mobile GIS
>> Hi Phillip,
>> Thanks for sharing your project and ideas.
>> Have you tried this app.
>> https://confluence.prodevelop.es/display/GVMN/Home
>> Probably you can borrow some of their codes to incorporate to what  
>> you
>> have started. It is GPL project as as well. I think there is no edit
>> function in the map viewer.
>> Regards,
>> Noli
>> On 4/21/10, Philipp Auersperg-Castell <phil at bluedynamics.com> wrote:
>>> IT depends what you need from the mobile GIS application,I am
>>> currently poking around with android, Qgis and MapServer for
> forrestry
>>> mapping.
>>> I used Qgis to develop a forest map for my forest enterprise, with
>>> PostGis as backend.
>>> Recently Ive bought my first Android smartphone with GPS integrated
>>> and in consequence there came up the wish to display my forest map
> in
>>> GoogleMaps (with the satellite image as background) and the ability
> to
>>> mark points or areas by GPS and upload them into the GIS.
>>> So I typed 'gis' and 'map' and similar terms into Android Market
>>> (=AppStore in the Android world) and found nothing useful except
> apps
>>> for geocaching, hiking, mountainbiking and the like, but
>>> nothing that would fit my needs.
>>> As a consequence I started experimenting with the Android SDK and
>>> found out that it is not too much work to use the MapView shipping
>>> with the SDK to display stuff on top of the google satellite image.
>>> With the help of JTS (a java library for geo stuff,
>>> http://www.vividsolutions.com/jts/jtshome.htm)
>>>  it was less than 100 lines of code to display polygon layers as
>>> overlay into the MapView. Most of the work was to get initially
>>> familiar with Android SDK and its philosophy, and with its
> integration
>>> to eclipse it seems quite handy to me.
>>> The next Problem is how to get my maps from Qgis/Postgis to my
> phone,
>>> there I decided for an online solution with MapServer as backend.
> QGis
>>> has MapServerExport as plugin, so its no big deal to  export a QGIS
>>> project to MapServer. Then I wrote an xmlrpc server (around 150
> lines
>>> of python code including coordinate transformation) which deploys
> the
>>> layer features in the WKT format, that I parse on my handheld with
> the
>>> help of JTS library and the module mentioned above displays it on my
>>> MapView.
>>> I also wrote some code to capture coordinates (points and areas)
> with
>>> GPS and are currently working on uploading them into the GIS server.
>>> My software can even mark remote points using the handheld's camera
>>> and the device's internal compass for the direction. I then just
> have
>>> to manually enter the distance read from a laser distance meter and
>>> have my point location.
>>> All that is by far not production ready but serves for me as a proof
>>> of concept that I can display my map online from my server on my
>>> android phone and be able to digitize features with GPS.
>>> If anybody is working on such a beast please let me know if you are
>>> interested in doing some work together....
>>> regards
>>> Philipp
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