[Qgis-user] Fwd: Importing Mapinfo Layers

Brett Adams badams.spinifex at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 23:46:09 PDT 2010

  If I had Mapinfo that would've been a good solution

Thanks all the same Noli.

On 5/08/2010 10:38 AM, Noli Sicad wrote:
> Brett,
> Try opening these files in MapInfo and then saving them with different
> names, then open again in QGIS.
> I just did this process (above) in MapInfo 8.5 and it works. I could
> open the new file in QGIS.
> Noli
> On 8/5/10, Noli Sicad<nsicad at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Brett,
>> It is not working in Qgis 1.5 windows xp as well.
>> However, I have no problem with my MapInfo files.
>> Try opening these files in MapInfo and then saving them with different
>> names, then open  again QGIS.
>> Noli
>> On 8/5/10, Brett Adams<badams.spinifex at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>    Hi Folks,
>>> Having some issues importing certain MapInfo layers. I've attached the
>>> file in question if that helps.
>>> Realise I can simply import the txt file, but I have hundreds of these
>>> files so I'm not keen on that idea.
>>> Currently running Version 1.4.0
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> --
>>> Brett Adams
>>> Spinifex Geophysics
>>> 0438 861 974
>>> SKYPE:brettadams_spinifex

Brett Adams
Spinifex Geophysics
0438 861 974

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