[Qgis-user] DigitalGlobe WMS, ARC2Earth, where can I get good imagery?

Pierre Chevalier Géologue pierrechevaliergeol at free.fr
Wed Dec 1 01:37:09 PST 2010


Matt Boyd claviota:
> Hi fellow QGIS users,
> I'm aware people often ask about using google earth data in qgis and
> while essentially that's what I need to do, I'm not prepared to do it
> by breaking any TOS or EULA.

I use the "Google Layers" qgis extension, which works quite well.  It 
seems that it complies with Google Maps licenses, according to what the 
extension's dialog box says:
    Use of the Google Map Service is subject to a query limit of 1000 
unique (different)
    image requests per viewer per day.

    Google projection
    Your QGIS project should be configured to use Google Projection 
(EPSG: 900913).

    Google projection Proj4 definition:
    +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0
    +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs

    Use 'on the fly' CRS transformation to overlay vector data in other 

    Sample data
    Sample data of Europe in Google projection is located in shp 
directory of this
    plugin (usually .qgis/python/plugins/GoogleLayers/shp). Use it for 
better orientation.

    Ivan Mincik, ivan.mincik at gista.sk, www.gista.sk
    Nungyao Lin, nungyao at gmail.com

> My question is : does the digitalglobe imageconnect wms product
> provide something where the imagery is at least as good as google
> earths and/or is anyone aware of a licensing scheme that provides a
> wms like service for imagery of that detail across the globe.

As Georges Marchais (more or less) said: "it may not be your question, 
but this is my answer"...


Pierre Chevalier Géologue EI
    Mesté Duran
    32100 Condom
  Tél+fax  :    09 75 27 45 62
                05 62 28 06 83
		06 37 80 33 64
  Émail  :   pierrechevaliergeolCHEZfree.fr
  icq#   :   10432285
  skype  :   pierre.chevalier1967

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