[Qgis-user] DigitalGlobe WMS, ARC2Earth, where can I get good imagery?

Matt Boyd mattslists at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 02:23:57 PST 2010

the openlayers plugin seems to do exactly what I just asked. Thanks Ivan.

2010/12/1 Ivan Mincik <ivan.mincik at gista.sk>:
> On 12/01/2010 10:37 AM, Pierre Chevalier Géologue wrote:
>> I use the "Google Layers" qgis extension, which works quite well.  It
>> seems that it complies with Google Maps licenses, according to what the
>> extension's dialog box says:
> Hi Pierre, OpenLayers plugin is currently much more better than "Google
> Layers". Try.
> --
> Ivan Mincik, Gista s.r.o.
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