[Qgis-user] Announce: MemoryLayerSaver plugin

Chris Crook ccrook at linz.govt.nz
Tue Dec 21 09:05:04 PST 2010

Hi Ricardo

Thanks for this  .. I think it is because I missed an "&" after the QgsAttributeIds in that line, id 

    QObject.connect(layer, SIGNAL("committedAttributesDeleted(const
QString &, const QgsAttributeIds &)"),self.setProjectDirty2)

Oddly, it worked fine on my version :-(

You could try editing the file and see if that fixes it.  I'll upload an amended version now.

From: Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da [ricardo.garcia.silva at gmail.com]
Sent: 22 December 2010 00:16
To: qgis-user
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Announce: MemoryLayerSaver plugin

Hi Chris

This plugin is a very nice idea, thanks for it!

I encountered the following error while testing out:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/geo2/.qgis/python/plugins/MemoryLayerSaver/MemoryLayerSaver.py",
line 40, in connectProvider
    QObject.connect(layer, SIGNAL("committedAttributesDeleted(const
QString &, const QgsAttributeIds )"),self.setProjectDirty2)
TypeError: type 'QgsAttributeIds' is not supported as a slot argument type

In case it is relevant:
- I was testing it using the 'HighWays' spatialite layer, present in
the spatialite testing dataset [1]
- I was testing it against the 'Profile from line' plugin, that
generates temporary layers using the memory provider. This plugin is
in the QGIS contributed repository
- Iam using QGIS 1.6 as available in the ubuntugis-unstable ppa

Thank you

[1] - http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/resources.html

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 1:14 AM, Chris Crook <ccrook at linz.govt.nz> wrote:
> Hi
> I've just uploaded a MemoryLayerSaver plugin to the contributed plugins on pyqgis.org.
> This makes memory data provider layers (such as those generated by the contour plugin) persistant.  Each layer is saved alongside the project file in sqlite files.  When the project is reloaded the memory layer data gets repopulated as it was.  (Without the plugin the layer remains in the project, but all the data gets lost).
> To use the plugin, simply install it.  Once installed all memory layers in all projects will be saved with the project, until you uninstall it again.
> Cheers
> Chris
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Ricardo Garcia Silva


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