[Qgis-user] Standalone-App with QGis-Libraries

Albin Blaschka albin.blaschka at standortsanalyse.net
Wed Dec 29 11:27:33 PST 2010


I just started to experiment for writing a stand-alone app based on the 
QGIS-Libraries and Python, following the example 
http://desktopgisbook.com/Creating_a_Standalone_GIS_Application_1 and 
the PyQGIS Developer Cookbook

Based on the Starting Kit for a plugin and on the QGIS-Python-Console, 
everthing is working as expected, but the example for the Standalone-App 
I just get "Failed to load" when I want to load a shapefile (the window 
and the dialog open fine), which otherwise as noted above loads just fine...
I get no other error message as the "failed to load"...
(I am using the downloaded version of the Shapeviewer-Demo-App, I have 
it attached)

I am on Kubuntu 10.04.1, Lucid Lynx,
QGIS (1.6) and related stuff installed from
http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu lucid main
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:57:41)

What am I missing?

I tried from the Python-Console from within QGIS (where everthing works) 
to print PYTHONPATH, but did only get "None" (with print 

I am also a Python-Newbie, btw...

Thank you in advance...


| Albin Blaschka, Mag.rer.nat.
| Etrichstrasse 26, A-5020 Salzburg
| * www.albinblaschka.info * www.thinkanimal.info *
| - It's hard to live in the mountains, hard but not hopeless!

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