[Qgis-user] Geoprocessing question

Zoran Jankovic zoran.jankovic at zisis.hr
Fri Feb 5 03:36:30 PST 2010

OK list, here is one more philosophical GIS question, with more than one
answer possible.
Task: create one layer with street names, house numbers and city name
Set up:
- vector layers are all shapefiles
- one layer with points, attribute filed is "house_number" (presumably,
someone will input this data point by point, by digitizing or GPS
- the second layer is "street buffer" - created from "streets", contains
"street_name" field, among others

If I perform "intersect" I get a new layer with point within polygons, that
now contain both "street_name" and "house_number" among others, _except_ for
the houses/points that are on the crossroads, because they intersect with
more than one polygon (street buffer). Let's say there are maybe 5%, or
less, points that are on the crossroads, so my solution for now is to add
them manually later after intersection.

Of course, the resulting shapefile contains more fields (columns), that are
not needed, but cannot be erased in QGIS, or at least I haven't figured out

The second approach that crosses my mind is to import all of the shapefiles
into PostGIS, but I do not have very much experience with "spatial queries"
per se - is it possible to refine this process in PostGIS?

If anyone has any ideas/pointers/suggestions/experience with similar tasks I
would be very grateful :-).


Zoran Jankovic
ZIS-Izrada softvera i savjetovanje / ZIS - Software Development and


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