[Qgis-user] bugfix and cheating

Marco Hugentobler marco at hugis.net
Mon Feb 8 08:35:57 PST 2010

Hi Greg

In my opinion, Paolo is right.

In your mail from 21.01., you write:

"This slow start up by Qgis 1.4.0 is the last remaining obstacle preventing 
me, and others, from adopting, and promoting Qgis. My small Qgis project can 
be downloaded from 
I will provide $1,000.00 for a verifiably solution that yields start up times 
from .qgs project files of no more than 30 seconds, delivered this month, and 
$500.00 for a solution delivered next month."

So nothing about executables for all plattforms or making a release because of 
the bugfix (that would be real nonsense, btw).

My suggestion was to donate the money for the next hackfest in Pisa. I think 
this would be something really usefull for the community.


Am Montag, 8. Februar 2010 17.23:54 schrieb Greg Coats:
> Paolo is lying, again.
> I happily offered to pay $1,000.00 for the release in January 2010 of Qgis
>  executables for the popular platforms that start up a publicly posted
>  sample .qgs project file, in no more than 30 seconds.
> Paolo informed me today that he, as Qgis manager, has decided not to offer
>  Qgis executables based on Qgis Subversion 12827 of 2010-01-23 or later,
>  until after the next major release of Qgis, at some unspecified time,
>  months from now.
> As recently as 7 Feb 2010, Paolo admitted in a public message to the Qgis
>  community that the most recent Qgis executable available for Linux users
>  is still based on the old, version 12730 that takes 10 minutes to start up
>  the sample .qgs project file. Greg
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Dr. Marco Hugentobler
HUGIS - GIS programming and consulting
Webereistrasse 66
CH-8134 Adliswil
marco at hugis.net
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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