[Qgis-user] Qgis slow start up

Marco Hugentobler marco at hugis.net
Fri Jan 22 02:57:40 PST 2010

Ok, r12815 contains a fix for the multiband display problem. The rasters 
display for me now.
But, using JasPer for jpeg2000, I got the segfault now that was reported by 
others if I zoom in a few times.


Am Freitag, 22. Januar 2010 10.28:01 schrieb Marco Hugentobler:
> Ooops, this seems to be a side effect of my changes for large format
>  printing. Will fix that today.
> Regards,
> Marco
> Am Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2010 23.23:59 schrieb Tom Elwertowski:
> > Marco Hugentobler wrote:
> > > Hm, on my laptop with ubuntu 9.10 and  current QGIS svn version,
> > > dcua_qgis140_relative_reduce6_1440x900_17.qgs opens in 3 seconds and
> > > dcua_qgis140_relative_reduce6_1440x900_19.qgs in 4 seconds.
> >
> > Using the current svn version (r12814), I was able to open the project
> > in a few seconds. However, all the raster layers were invisible!
> > Toggling them off or on did nothing.
> >
> > When I backed down to yesteday's svn version (r12808), the project took
> > minutes to open and the raster layers were visible again.
> >
> > I think we have have a new raster display bug as well as an older raster
> > speed problem.
> >
> > Tom
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Dr. Marco Hugentobler
HUGIS - GIS programming and consulting
Webereistrasse 66
CH-8134 Adliswil
marco at hugis.net
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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