[Qgis-user] ERMapper files

Pierre Chevalier Géologue pierrechevaliergeol at free.fr
Tue Jan 26 07:29:14 PST 2010

What about opening .ecw files on qgis on a Linux platform? Some time
ago, I managed to do it, after compiling quite a few things, gdal with
some options, all this due to licences issues, if I remember well.

Apparently, .ecw files can still not be opened by my qgis (r12681): does
anyone know if there are any plans to try to overcome these issues, in
the future?


PS: sorry, I didn't pay attention, and I replied out of the list to Micha.

Micha Silver claviota:
> On 25/01/2010 09:34, Brett Adams wrote:
>> Thanks Brent.
>> I got the ers files in but not the ecw. I have some dll's that 
>> suggest I should be able to bring in an ecw but so far its not working.
> Have you installed the ECW SDK from ERDAS, and put the required ECW 
> DLL's in place? I don't recall you mentioning that step in earlier posts.
> Here's more detailed instructions:
> http://www.qgis.org/wiki/OSGeo4wSetup#Installing_support_for_raster__.2A.ECW_.28ERMapper.29_and_.2A.sid_.28MrSid.29_formats 
>> I'll keep working at it.
>> Brett
>> On 25/01/2010 11:00 AM, Brent Fraser wrote:
>>> Brett,
>>>    Do Layer ->  Add Raster Layer, then select "All Other Files" in 
>>> the open
>>> file dialog, then select your .ers file.
>>> Brent Fraser
>>>> Brent,
>>>> I'm very keen to give this a try. How do I access the GDAL 
>>>> programs? Is
>>>> this part of Grass? Can it be accessed via Qgis?
>>>> Brett
>>>> On 23/01/2010 12:22 AM, Brent Fraser wrote:
>>>>> Brett,
>>>>>    GDAL supports ERS files natively (with some restrictions) so I
>>>>> expect the gdal.dll delivered with QGIS will work.  GDAL has no
>>>>> support of ALG files (or algorithms in ERS files).  I see that the
>>>>> QGIS Enceladus install incluses the ERMapper ECW dlls so you 
>>>>> should be
>>>>> able to open those as well (but I haven't tried it yet).
>>>>> Brent Fraser
>>>>> Brett Adams wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Greg. Unfortunately I need it for W7.
>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Greg Coats<gregcoats at mac.com
>>>>>> <mailto:gregcoats at mac.com>>  wrote:
>>>>>>      For Mac OS X?
>>>>>>      For Mac OS X, http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/frameworks 
>>>>>> offers
>>>>>>      support for GDAL with ECW, and QGIS. Greg
>>>>>>      On Jan 22, 2010, at 1:38 AM, Brett Adams wrote:
>>>>>>>   Hi folks,
>>>>>>>   Anyone know how to get ERMapper ERS, ECW or ALG files into QGIS?
>>>>>>>   Thanks heaps
>>>>>>>   --
>>>>>>>   Brett Adams
>>>>>>>   Spinifex Geophysics
>>>>>>>   0438 861 974
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>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Brett Adams
>>>>>> Spinifex Geophysics
>>>>>> 0438 861 974
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Brett Adams
>>>> Spinifex Geophysics
>>>> 0438 861 974

Pierre Chevalier Géologue EI
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