[Qgis-user] Configuring line decorations (e.g. arrowheads)

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Jul 9 00:40:17 PDT 2010


In the new symbology I can add a line decoration, such as an arrowhead.
However, I think most of the configuration options are not exposed (or am
I missing something).

I would expect being able to configure the following:

* select SVG symbol (currently the default is an arrowhead, but new symbol
chooser dialogue)
* select decoration placement: start, end, middle of the line
* select symbol size

Currently I can only select the symbol color and the arrowhead is always
placed at the end of the line - no way to add a decoration at the
beginning of a line.

Am I missing a dialogue or something hidden in the GUI? Or are these
options simply not yet implemented/exposed?


Andreas Neumann

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