[Qgis-user] Problem opening kml files

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ant=F3nio_M?=. Rodrigues amrodrigues at fcsh.unl.pt
Sun Jun 6 11:25:03 PDT 2010

I just found that "Since GDAL 1.6.1, folders containing multiple geometry types, like POINT and 
POLYGON, are supported". I have in my system GDAL frameworks 1.6 and 1.7. Could it be that QGIS 
is using the older version?

How can I check/correct this?

Thank you

On Sun, 6 Jun 2010 19:12:16 +0100, António M. Rodrigues wrote
> Hi all,
> I want to open a kml file in QGIS1.4 (MAC OS). If the file is made 
> of points (with any number of layers), it opens fine. If there's a 
> lines layers, it just says: filename.kml "is not a valid or 
> recognized data source". I tried diffferent files, all saved from 
> Google Earth, and none works.
> Any help?
> Thanks,
> António
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