[Qgis-user] Upgrading trough changesets

ALT SHN i.geografica at alt-shn.org
Mon Jun 7 11:13:07 PDT 2010

Hi all,

I have QGIS Trrunk r13619M and I would like to upgrade to
13681<http://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/changeset/13681>in order to include a
recent fix (
#2788 <http:///usr/share/qgis/grass/modules>). I downloaded the fix files
but I don't know how to proceed! :)
The .zip file comes with the following tree:


And on my computer I have the following direcory (wich has some files with
the same name as those of the downloaded .zip)


Now, I suppose this isn't just a question of copy paste right?

Any lights please?

Best regards,

André Mano

Associação Leonel Trindade

Apartado 25 2564-909 Torres Vedras Portugal
Sede e Biblioteca: rua Cavaleiros da Espora Dourada, 27A 2560 Torres Vedras

Laboratório de Paleontologia e Paleoecologia: Polígono Industrial do Alto do
Ameal 2565-641 Ramalhal
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