[Qgis-user] Profile Tool plugin crash

Micha Silver micha at arava.co.il
Wed Jun 9 04:47:31 PDT 2010

The Profile Tool plugin on Windows (OSGeo4W installer on WinXP) causes a 
crash of QGIS as soon as you move the mouse *after* profile completes.  
(After the profile appears, if you navigate with *keyboard only*, you 
can save the profile and close the plugin. Then full functionality 
returns. But when the profile window is open, *any* mouse movement 
causes the crash)

This was reported already on the QGIS forum:

The plugin works as expected on Ubuntu 10.04

Another point - When you try to install the plugin without having the 
correct dependencies, the error message pops up mentioning the Qwt5 
libs. But this is not the only dependency. In the OSGeo4W "Advanced 
Install" you must choose both qwt5-libs and pyqwt5-qt4. It would be 
worth mentioning both libs in the plugin error message.


Micha Silver
Arava Development Co.  +972-52-3665918

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