[Qgis-user] shapefile render speed

Nicklas Avén nicklas.aven at jordogskog.no
Fri Jun 25 12:05:59 PDT 2010


when you say that one of them is larger. what do you mean. do you mean larger extent, number of features or size of file. 

what i wonder is if it could be that the fast one has less complex features with less vertexes per feature. the size of the actual .shp file can give a hint.


2010-06-25 David J. Bakeman  wrote:

What factors affect the rendering speed of ashapefile?  I ask because I have 2 shapes file with roughly the sameextents and the same number and type (polygon) of features.  I createdspatial indices for both but one of them, actually the slightly largerone, renders much faster?
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