[Qgis-user] Open source Arcpad alternative?

Hemayet Hossain Hemayet.Hossain at unhabitat.org
Wed Jun 30 06:37:34 PDT 2010


What about a lighter version of QGIS that will work on a windows mobile 
smart phone/PDA with GPS and can help NGOs in developing countries to 
digitise point, line and area loactions using google maps.


Hemayet Hossain, D.Env.D
Land, Tenure and Property Administration Section
Shelter Branch, Global Division
P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi  00100, Kenya
Tel: + 254 (20) 762 3705
Fax: +254 (20) 762 4265
email: hemayet.hossain at unhabitat.org
Website: www.unhabitat.org
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