[Qgis-user] No module named gdal in GdalTools' clipper

Goyo goyodiaz at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 15:39:42 PST 2010

Hello all,

I'm using qgis 1.4.0 from osgeo4w. When I try to use the clipper tool I
always get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "D:\OSGeo4w\apps\gdal-16\bin\gdal_merge.py", line 31, in 
import gdal 
ImportError: No module named gdal

Is any osgeo4w user out there able to reproduce this?

The command executed by the plugin (as shown in his own dialog) is:

gdal_merge.bat -ul_lr 648090.201679 4276686.21339 652514.035015
4272622.21339 -of GTiff -o "D:/raster/output.tif" \\server\shared\raster

If I open a command window and execute the commands in qgis-unstable.bat
(but start "Quantum GIS" etc.) and then the same gdal_merge command it
works. It seems like the plugin is executing the command in a different
environment that qgis itself but I have not any clue of what to do so
any hint will be appreciated.

Best regards


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