[Qgis-user] CRS for a start
Maxim Dubinin
sim at gis-lab.info
Sun Mar 21 15:29:40 PDT 2010
I agree that some improvements can be made, but I'd suggest to make
some of the suggested ones configurable through Settings.
MN> a) set the projection for a project file/working environment from the
MN> first loaded layer if it has the projection information
Yes, if such behavior is wanted by QGIS user and certain checkbox is
"on" in Settings. I would avoid making this decision for the user
automatically. So default - "off".
MN> b) prompt for projection information if the layer does not have it
No. This will slow down work for those who just want to see the data
or make some quick edits. Again, this can be configurable in a)
MN> c) inform in a popup window when the projection of next loaded layers
MN> do not match the projection already set in the working environment
MN> (when reprojection on the fly is not ticked)
MN> Now, as I personally use metric reference systems (2180, 2176, 2177),
MN> every time I open a layer, I have to set the proper CRS.
Why don't you create a prj file then?
MN> I mean in QGIS I can open now a holiday photo, go to layer properties
MN> and get an impresion from it's metadata, that it is already
MN> georeferenced:
MN> "Layer Spatial Reference System:
MN> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
MN> which is of course not true. But we have to think about novice GIS
MN> users who might either go dizzy or get bad habits.
I agree, the layer properties should not use this as default if prj is
missing or should clearly indicate somehow that this is a guessed CRS,
not necessarily a real one.
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