[Qgis-user] DXF import

Stefan Kiefer st_kiefer at web.de
Tue Mar 30 00:26:59 PDT 2010

without having a deeper view in the plugin I would expect that importing
dxf is quite difficult anyway. The main issue is that dxf contains
multiple geometric formats (polylines, lines, points, annotations,
splines ...) mixed in different layers! Whereas a shape can contain only
one single geometric format in one single layer! I would belive that the
plugin is not as sophisticated as the import routines of programs with
many years of experience with dxf.
Anyway my sugestion is to use Grass to import dxf an convert to shape or
use Grass layers in Qgis. I had good experience this way. Otherwise
Grass can manage layers and can convert geometric formats. More over it
can clean and build the topology (maybe this is why your import fails).



Am Dienstag, den 30.03.2010, 14:54 +0800 schrieb Brett Adams:

> Hi Folks,
> Having some problems importing DXF's using the DXF2SHP plug-in.  Often 
> all I get is a centre point, not the rest of image. Occasionally it will 
> work properly. I'm having the most success importing them as Pollyline.
> Other programs load the DXF's fine. It's just QGIS that is giving me 
> trouble.
> Any ideas?

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