[Qgis-user] qgis compiling error

Pierre Chevalier Géologue pierrechevaliergeol at free.fr
Thu May 6 10:32:33 PDT 2010

In fact, I also did other things before, I removed a lot of python 
stuff, but I can't remember what.  I did it with synaptic, so no 
record...  I think I got rid of python 2.5, 2.6, eric, bicyle repair and 
other things. I then reinstalled the packages I could remember, and it 
worked. I must admit I did this in a quite chaotic manner. But it works, 
now, thanks mostly to the debian packaging system.


flavio rigolon claviota:
> 2010/5/6 Pierre Chevalier Géologue <pierrechevaliergeol at free.fr 
> <mailto:pierrechevaliergeol at free.fr>>
>     Hello,
> Hi Pierre, 
>     I had the same kind of error, also on debian testing. I tried many
>     different things, and it eventually worked out, I'm not exactly
>     sure what exactly worked...  It may be a mess between sip and sip4
>     packages?
>     Here are the last things I did, as root, just before it worked,
>     according to my /root/.bash_history:
>       apt-get install gdal-bin libgdal1-dev libgeos-dev proj
>     libgdal-doc    python-dev libgsl0-dev g++ libjasper-dev
>     libtiff4-dev subversion
>       libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 ccache make libpq-dev flex bison cmake
>       txt2tags python-qt4 python-qt4-dev python-sip4 sip4 python-sip4-dev
>       apt-get install cmake
>       apt-get install grass libgrass-dev
>       apt-get install grass grass-dev
>       cd /usr/local/bin
>       sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ccache gcc
>       sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ccache g++
>       apt-get install build-essential g++ subversion
> I've followed your suggestions but the error is the same.....thanks 
> anyway.
> flavio

Pierre Chevalier Géologue EI
    Mesté Duran
    32100 Condom
  Tél+fax  :    09 75 27 45 62
                05 62 28 06 83
		06 37 80 33 64
  Émail  :   pierrechevaliergeolCHEZfree.fr
  icq#   :   10432285
  skype  :   pierre.chevalier1967

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