[Qgis-user] Passare dei parametri all'apertura del progetto Qgis
nikos ves
vesnikos at gmail.com
Thu May 20 04:06:04 PDT 2010
If I understood correctly you're trying to add data(objects) from
different users that are projected in different projection system. And
naturally they don't fit together because one's X is the others Y...
If thats the case,
Its always better to work in a fixed projection system. Choose one and
stay in that projection. If you have data that are using another
projection, you can use "Export To another Projection" (Vector->Data
managment-> Export To another Projection" and muster all your data in
the within one projection.
Having said that...
QGIS supports "on-the-fly" transformations.In my experience at least,
SVN version is a bit buggy at the moment, but some people suggested that
if you state from the start your desired projection system, and enable,
at that point "on-the-fly" transformation, you will get very results. To
summarize: 1) File->New Project (Close without saving),then 2)
File->Project Properties... ,3) Coordinate Reference System (CRS), 4)
Make sure you check the Enable 'on the fly' CRS tranformation + choose
the crs of your love.
And enjoy!
Nick ves
On Wed, 2010-05-19 at 16:08 +0200, Rocco Pispico wrote:
> Hi Nick
> first of all excuse me for the italian email I had intend to send to
> the italian discussion group.
> So: I'd like to open an existing qgis project passing different map
> extents.
> Each user can customize the project but I'm able to open it in a
> specific map extent.
> Thanks
> Rocco
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Nick Ves <vesnikos at gmail.com> wrote:
> what kind of parameters are you talking about?
> Are you talking about global defaults, like a default
> projection OR using qgis with a set of paramerts to produce a
> scripted answer to a question?
> 2010/5/19 Rocco Pispico <r.pispico at gmail.com>
> Ciao,
> c'รจ un modo per passare dei parametri all'apertura di
> un progetto qgis?
> Oppure di far eseguire un determinato script
> all'apertura di un progetto?
> Grazie
> Rocco Pispico
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nikos ves <vesnikos at gmail.com>
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