[Qgis-user] An idea/wish for QGIS
Tim Sutton
lists at linfiniti.com
Wed Nov 24 12:08:25 PST 2010
2010/11/23 Jorge Tornero <jorge.tornero at cd.ieo.es>:
> Hi all,
> well, I've been experiencing lately with QGis diagram overlay feature
> and I have to say that is still not enough for what I need. Plots are
> not very customizable, adding categories is a matter of patience when
> you have a relatively large amount of fields to plot (in my case, in
> anchovy length distribution, about 25 of them) and normalization of the
> diagrams is a little confusing. Anyway, it is a big feature but
> unfortunately at last I have had to make my maps with gvSIG what really
> disappoints me because map tools in gvSIG are (for me) a little bit
> poor.
> But I'have been messing with qgis new simbology and I have found very
> interesting the option "RULE BASED" (I guess this is the correct
> translation for the spanish "Basado en reglas"). Because I can define
> individual marker for different values (based in that rules), I've done
> the following:
> 1) I've created an bar chart with matplotlib as I want it to be (scale,
> ticks..., colors)
> 2) I've saved it to a folder in my computer as SVG graphic, say
> so /home/Figures
> 3) I've created a soft link to that folder in /usr/local/share/qgis/svg
> Following this steps, what I get is the chance to choose my graph as the
> marker of my point and I have to say that is really, really cool for me
> because the look of the maps is great!!
> But there is one problem... You can choose the graph but you don't have
> any clue to tell which graph is what you want, because all you get in
> the dialog of selection are the thumbnails of the SVG's in that
> folder!!! So with, let's say 20 micro-pictures to choose is not very
> useful...
> So my idea/suggestion/wish is: To add to the symbol properties dialog
> the possibility of loading a concrete SVG as marker, apart from the list
> of default markers. It will not be a feature like automatic diagram
> overlay but I think it is a very simple improvement that provides a
> solution and eases the work of overlaying charts in maps (not only pie
> and bar charts)
> I don't really know if this is of any use for you but in my case, it has
> been the big prize in days, because I feared of having to say goodbye to
> Qgis until the diagram feature is improved.
> Also I apologize if what I've said is just a obviousness... Maybe this
> is a feature everybody knows and here I am thinking that I've discovered
> the Philosopher's stone... :)
To summarise - you want the option to select an svg marker using a
file dialog rather than choosing it from the icon list?
> Best regards
> Jorge Tornero
> --
> -----------------------------------------
> Jorge Tornero Núñez
> Centro Oceanográfico de Cádiz
> Instituto Español de Oceanografía
> Puerto Pesquero - Muelle de Levante, s/n
> 11006 Cádiz - España
> Tel. +34 956294189
> Fax. +34 956294232
> www.ieo.es
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