[Qgis-user] Comments on the QGIS map composer

John C. Tull john.tull at wildnevada.org
Tue Oct 12 14:59:46 PDT 2010

In this case, I would recommend the upgrade. I believe many of these issues were resolved between those builds. Perhaps you can download the all-in-one from William's site and try with a copy of your project file. There is not great risk of losing anything in your project if you open the copy and try from there.


On Oct 12, 2010, at 1:03 AM, maning sambale wrote:

> Dear everyone,
> For the past months, I am using QGIS more frequently for my map
> composition tasks instead of an external graphics app (like Scribus
> and Adobe Illustrator).
> Many thanks for the great improvement of the past versions.
> Below are my observations and recommendations for future map composer
> improvements.  Note that I
> am using QGIS 1.4 (on Mac osx 10.5), some issues I will post maybe
> solved already in 1.5 so disregard them if they are already solved.
> (Yes, I know I should upgrade, but I don't normally upgrade while in
> the middle of a critical project :))
> Some observed quirks:
> 1. Text sizes are not the same when viewed in the main map window, map
> composer and PDF output.  As a workaround, I try to set map canvas
> window to the desired output scale.
> 2. Sometimes images (using "Add image") with transparent background
> doesn't appear in the PDF output.  However, the PNG output shows the
> graphic. Setting the opacity to 100% resolves the problem.
> 3. Long legend text description doesn't wrap around the legend box.
> 4. Complex line styles (i. e. dashed) doesn't appear in the png output.
> 4. On a mac, Scale font options uses the mac font option window
> instead of the usual QGIS font option window (see image link).
> http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4036/5074097761_3d6af0fef4_z.jpg
> For future improvement requests:
> 1. Layering - most graphic apps have them.  In a graphics app, I find
> it easy to manage my layout when I place the main map in a separate
> layer over other map elements (legend, scalebar, reference, other
> decorations). Perhaps a layer visibility toggle option.
> 2. More text layout options - text wrap for long legends, text alignment, etc.
> 3. Inter-data layer text collision resolution - for example, I have a
> point layer for placenames and then another point layer.  A nice
> feature that can recognize label collision between these two layers.
> 4. Multiple text layout (alignment, type size, type style) in a single
> text box.  As a workaround, I created several textboxes for different
> styling.
> All in all, I am a happy QGIS user.  Hope to see more improvements
> with QGIS' cartography.
> -- 
> cheers,
> maning
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> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
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