[Qgis-user] Re: QGIS 1.5 Update for ECW/SID support crashes

Ramon Andinach custard at westnet.com.au
Mon Oct 18 01:29:56 PDT 2010

On 18/10/2010, at 16:02 , Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:

> Hi Paolo,
> On Mon, 18. Oct 2010 at 09:52:17 +0200, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
>> AFAICT, we are now trapped in a choice: either using gdal 1.6 with ECW support, but
>> with the limitations above, or move to 1.7, and drop ECW support (until the licence
>> issues are clarified/solved).
> Ok.  Two options.  I'd opt for 1.7.  Should we start a poll?

I'm not so lucky (obviously). I need ecw support.


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