[Qgis-user] Re: Re: QGIS 1.5 Update for ECW/SID support crashes

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 02:37:00 PDT 2010

Hi all,

the plugin gdal17-ecw has been added by Frank W. in the osgeo4w

Now you only need to download the ERDAS sdk, accept the licence,,
install it, pick the redistributable dlls and copy them into system32.

After first test all works fine.


-- Giovanni --

On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 07:06 -0700, hayamaguchi wrote:
> I am in a similar situation with Doug.  My local governments (county and
> state) use MrSid and ECW, respectively.  I am committed to QGIS and its
> dependence on GDAL, so I would like to encourage the GDAL and QGIS
> developers to continue their work in obtaining support for those formats,
> especially ECW.  Somebody mentioned a petition to ERDAS to loosen up their
> licensing terms for v71 redistributables for OSGeo use.  That may be a great
> starting point.  And, like Doug, I thank all of you, as a new convert to
> QGIS, for all your outstanding, selfless work in developing the software and
> helping newbies like myself use this wonderful product!

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