[Qgis-user] Re: Reproject WMS

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Wed Sep 22 14:25:41 PDT 2010

>> * Why not use the vector in WGS84?
>>   my result map needs to be published projected
>> * I first load the vector in arc and then the WMS tile.
> Then do all your work in WGS84 and just before publication, reproject
> your result maps with the Raster -> Projection tool of QGIS (which is a
> wrapper to the gdalwarp command).
I think not the user should adapt to the software but vice-versa!

Nearly all maps on the world prepared for interchange with authorities
have some sort of projected SRS while most WMS deliver ggr. / WGS84.

So you don't wanna always spend time for reprojecting but rather do the
actual work.

Anyway, thanks for the answer.

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