[Qgis-user] Re: Projection of Shapefile export

Brett Adams badams.spinifex at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 22:47:43 PDT 2010

That's a legendary effort if your getting sensible results with the icsm 
files.  Do you think the format is suitable that it could be used in a 
sponsored bug fix?

I gave this a shot myself but couldn't get it run at all, but then I 
have no idea what I'm doing so thats no real indication.

I've had no success in getting parameters to stick (AGD66, AGD84 or 
GDA94) on shape or mapinfo files.

Following solution was proposed by Roland Hill (22/09/2010  8:59pm)

If your Custom CRS database does not appear to be working properly (ie 
you can see your custom CRS, but it isn't sticking to your data 
properly), then try to find your custom CRS database (qgis.db in your 
home directory on Linux, I guess it is in Application Settings or 
something similar in Windows) and delete it in case you have an old one 
with an incorrect format.


On 23/09/2010 12:47 PM, Ken Norris wrote:
> As Micha suggested, the National AGD66 distortion grid at
> http://www.icsm.gov.au/icsm/gda/gdatm/national66.zip
> and AGD84 distortion grid at
> http://www.icsm.gov.au/icsm/gda/gdatm/national84.zip
> seem to be the way forward.
> When unzipped, put into the proj directory (for me usr/share/proj) and
> coupled via the +nadgrids= parameter in a Custom CRS, it seems to yield the
> correct transform when tested.
> +proj=utm +zone=55 +south +ellps=aust_SA +nadgrids=AGD66.gsb +units=m
> +no_defs
> (I renamed the unzipped distortion file 'A66 National (13.09.01).gsb' file
> to 'AGD66.gsb' for convenience)
> But I can't make the parameters stick in the CRS of a vector file using the
> override facility. Any ideas?

Brett Adams
Spinifex Geophysics
0438 861 974

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